Monday, August 9, 2010

Surviving the day without caffeine...

I guess you could say I am a scientist, not officially, not yet anyway... but I am studying a Bachelor of Science and my sister calls me a "Zoological-biological-geneticist" and I happen to like that title, so lets go with that...

Anyway, as a result of my area of interest I tend to think too much about things of no consequence and try and understand them the only way I know how... that is by means of science.

It came to my attention today that no matter how much sleep I get, I am always tired. If I dont sleep, I am tired, if I sleep too much, I am tired. Really what is the point? But I hate it. I HATE being tired, I HATE being so tired that I nearly fall asleep in lectures, even though I have had a decent nights sleep the night before.

So when today came around, and I was out of sugar this morning and did not have any coffee, I was left to fend entirely for myself through out the day... and it was not pretty. I dont doubt that I have some form of attention disorder. I am easily distracted, and my attention span is limited at best. *Glances out window... *

But the fact of the matter is, that no amount of V or red bull can keep me awake. Coffee sometimes brings me to normal. I have taken to drinking black coffee to save on the milk side of things... but really it is so upsetting that caffeine does not work =( So the scientist in me feels that it is because I drink too much caffeine. I have even cut back!!! Oh well, me thinks caffeine pills might be the next best step...

In todays Genetics class we actually learned about genetics... I had been waiting the entire year to learn about Mendelian genetics... and ofcourse it is taken by the guy who snobbed me via email and so left a bad taste in my mouth. I did like him too, his accent confuses me, but no.... NO, not anymore buddy!

Little kid saying bye to his mum and then crossing the road on his own at the lights. So darn cute!!!

Random guy appearing from the bushes by the library. Made me smile for sure!

Buying sugar and so being able to have coffee when I got home ♥

And now, I shall resume revising. Hopefully I stay awake!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for coffee! I'm going to comment on your blog so it doesn't feel lonely.

    Have a happy in advance. I kind of <3 this picture. Intensely.
