Monday, August 9, 2010

Plagiarism is fun...

Sort of stole this idea from a friend of mine, known her since we were in 3rd form... she can't get mad at me for thieving her idea if she has known me since the days when we got hypo from diet coke, right?

Anywho, I am the sort of person who likes words. I am a word nut. I love how the right combination of words can perfectly sum up a situation, good or bad. I, somewhat ironically, can not write to save myself... and yet I feel that everyone SHOULD read what I wrote, because after all... I wrote it so it MUST be important. XD I draw inspiration from words and things that people say. Often times my mates say something that is entirely hilarious yet significant, I like those kinds of words the best =3

So this blog is really just for me to write down all the random comings into my head, to which I warn you... there are MANY!

It is also for all the little things throughout the day that have made me smile, because I am stressed out of my mind most of the time and it really is the little gestures that people do that makes all the difference to my day.

Take today for example... I did not sleep last night. Let it be said, sleep and I do not always get on. I am not an insomniac per say, but if it is possible I will say I am a part time insomniac! XD I can go a few days on a few hours of sleep, I can not sleep too much... anymore than 8 hours a night for any extended time and I feel lazy.
Oh, let it also be said that I can waffle... and BOY can I waffle!!! I cant stick to word limits and generally can talk the hind leg off a donkey or three.
Where was I? Right, today... Ok, so first off... I flat and there is ALWAYS drama with that... especially with a psychotic ex flatmate who still makes our life a misery. To which she managed to do last night, and that amongst other things and various amounts of poison being poured into my ears resulted in me not sleeping at all and hence being just a touch tired this morning... my morning then went as follows...

-Got some black coffee and then headed off to my lecture
- Had a hearty breakfast of a moro gold
-Noted that a car had snow on it, how peculiar?
- Laughed with my flatmate as some kiddy wink snobbed her for making a strange noise
- Noted that another car had snow on it, wondered why we werent getting snow in the valley
- Survived lecture, Genetics 222 - Genes, Chromosomes and Populations... we are on the "Chromosomes" bit. Genetics is hard. =(
- Walked home
- Spent 5 minutes trying to understand why the top of the mountain was white
- Realised white on top of the mountain was not sheep...
- Thought dark, gray thoughts
- Arrived home
- Flatmates cat came bounding over
- Very thankful for cat coming over... needed a cat hug
- Had a bit of a cry with flatmates cat. Cats give the best hugs, they always know when you are upset
- Pulled self together, need to complete assignment
- Had warm, vibratey grey body on lap for a few hours while working

Moment that made my day (MTMMD) #1:
Flatmate comes and knocks on my door, proceeds to bring me lunch and walk out, knowing I was busy and not wanting to disturb me, but wanting me to eat. Completely unprovoked, unasked, unrequired really -- but so much appreciated. ♥

- Finished assignment to best of my ability in current state
- My fault for leaving assignment to the last minute
-  Wanted to hand in invoice for the month so I could get paid
- Realised I had missed the deadline by 59 minutes...
- Leave invoice on bed, pack Lab gear
- Head out to lab
- See kind flatmate who fed me, talked to her for a wee while
- See postman who proceeds to talk about the snow
- Walk to Uni
- Print out assignment
- Hand in assignment
- Go to lab
- Arrive early, have to put chairs down
- Walk around lab illegally with no labcoat on and ipod in ears -- recieve numerous strange looks. Complete chairs, take ipod out...
- Enjoyed Drosophila larva dissection
- Enjoyed etherizing flies
- Insanely good at sexing flies
- Maybe a little TOO good at sexing flies
- Told lecturer that I fell asleep in her class.
- Realise that my sarcasm might have been wasted
- Needn't have bothered, lecturer was lovely
- Finish lab, tired but no longer angry - revelation came to
- Walk home

Wandering through gardens on the way home, plotting ways to get a certain ex flatmate in trouble with the law without getting in trouble myself. Very deep in thought. Look up, random chick smiles at me. I smile. I keep walking, she keeps walking. I do not entirely understand what just happened, but the smile was so genuine that it made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

- Got home

Walked in front door to be greeted first by "small and annoying" and another Flatmate. I enjoy to be bombarded as I come in the door. It is better than walking to your room in silence.

- Had dinner
- Had more dinner
- Had large sums of chocolate
- Began this blog... should be doing work...

Will begin doing work.

People are shit, the vast majority are at any rate... I am no exception, I am also shit. But sometimes, just sometimes there is the occasional star who shines out on their own accord. Those are the people I love. The ones who genuinely care about you, and you them. The ones you would stick up for no matter what, the ones who will always be your friends... most probably because they know too much about you and therefore it would be dangerous to not have them close!

This blog is dedicated to all those people in my life who are my inspiration... my reason for being, sometimes the only reason I get out of bed. Love you all, and always will. xxx

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